Our Founders
Rosemary Grieve OAM
Marion Webster AM
Rosemary Grieve OAM
Marion Webster AM
Our Board
Michael Gill
Georgie Harman
David Campbell
Mike Ihlein
Carolyn Hardy
Lauren Gross
Company Secretary
Michael Gill
Georgie Harman
Mike IhLein
David Campbell
Carolyn Hardy
Lauren Gross
Company Secretary
Our Team
Lesley Podesta
Maree Davidson AM
Senior Mentorship Manager
Lauren De Ross
Mentorship Manager,
Partnerships and Programs
Kylie Price
Chief Operating Officer
Arathi Chilamkot
Salesforce Administrator
Lesley Podesta
Maree Davidson AM
Senior Mentorship Manager
Lauren De Ross
Mentorship Manager, Partnerships and Programs
Kylie Price
Chief Operating Officer
Arathi Chilamkot
Salesforce Administrator

Tribute to Kilfinan co-founder
Marion Webster AM (1950 - 2024)
It is with great sadness that we report that the much loved and admired co-founder of Kilfinan Australia, Marion Webster AM died on August 30th.
Marion’s humanity together with her unrelenting energy, commitment and ‘can do’ approach provided much of the inspiration and the know-how that has established and nurtured Kilfinan Australia. We wouldn’t exist without her.
Marion, with friend and co-founder Rosemary Grieve, brought the Kilfinan concept to Australia a decade ago following a walking trip in the Scottish Highlands. A friend of Marion’s with whom they were staying mentioned that she was working with Kilfinan UK matching business leaders with CEOs of Not For Profit organisations for mentoring at no cost to the mentee.
Marion immediately leapt on the idea as something that they could do in Australia – Marion had the Not For Profit networks and Rosemary the corporate and business world ones.
They set up Kilfinan Australia in Marion’s apartment in Melbourne (supported with humour and patience by husband Michael) and worked their extensive networks to generate a cluster of potential supporters, mentors and mentees. Their vision was to provide much needed leadership support to NFP CEOs and, at the same time, build understanding amongst senior business and public sector leaders of the talent and challenges in the sector.
Together they were very much hands on as they personally met and screened potential mentors and mentees, matched mentees with appropriate mentors, monitored how the relationships were going over time and held networking and learning forums for the growing Kilfinan community.
After six very busy and productive years they stepped back from their operational role. Marion remained a board member until last year and continued as an active, in demand mentor up to her final weeks. Her support for her mentees and for Kilfinan Australia and its vision never diminished despite her health challenges.
Marion was the crucial factor in Kilfinan Australia’s success. It would not have happened without her determination and initiative. As Rosemary said recently ‘She loves a new idea and is so skilled at figuring out what’s necessary to make it sing”
Here at Kilfinan and across the Philanthropic and Not For Profit communities we will miss Marion’s creativity, her love for family and friends, her passion, her sharp wit, her love of a good laugh, her common sense and her sense of style.
We are proud and humble to continue her important work.