Our Community
Our mentors are some of the most experienced senior level executives in Australia from the private, public and social sectors.
Our purpose-driven mentees are empowered by their communities and dedicated to their cause. They are the leaders of charities, not-for-profits and social impact organisations.
When our community comes together, they create a powerful combination of knowledge, passion, support and drive.
Vanessa Guthrie AO
Kilfinan mentor
Joan Fitzpatrick
Kilfinan mentor
Vicki Condon and David Thodey AO
Kilfinan mentee and mentor
Tim Poole
Kilfinan mentor
Ali Ahmed
Founder, Youth Activating Youth
Sarah Davies AM
CEO, Alannah & Madeline Foundation
Jason Juretic
CEO, Stepping Stone House
Susan Kukucka
CEO, 100 Story Building
Adam Hegedus
Co-Founder, Educating the Future
Our Community
Our mentors are some of the most experienced senior level executives in Australia from the private, public and social sectors.
Our purpose-driven mentees are empowered by their communities and dedicated to their cause. They are the leaders of charities, not-for-profits and social impact organisations.
When our community comes together, they create a powerful combination of knowledge, passion, support and drive.

CEO, Alannah & Madeline Foundation

CEO, 100 Story Building

Kilfinan mentor

Founder, Youth Activating Youth

CEO, Nature Conservation Council

CEO, Educating the Future

Kilfinan mentee and mentor

Kilfinan mentor

CEO, Stepping Stone House

Kilfinan mentor

Kilfinan mentor
Kilfinan Mentors & Mentor Alumni
Terry Agnew
Patrick Allaway
Peter Allen
Vicki Allen
Rick Allert AO
Suzanne Ardagh
John Ashby
John Atkins AO
Grace Atkinson
Christine Bartlett
Sally Basser
Susan Beling
Fabio Bertola
Penny Bingham-Hall
Barry Bloch
Andrew Bousie
Cath Bowtell
Leigh Bracken
Norah Breekveldt
Dov Brener
Bruce Brook
Malcolm Broomhead AO
Lara Bruhns
Anna Buduls AO
Frank Calabria
Alberto Calderon
Dale Calhoun
Anthony Callinan
David Campbell
Elizabeth Carr
Karen Chester
Christine Christian AO
Andrew Clark
Cameron Clyne
Steven Cole
Peter Coleman
Tony Concannon
Helen Conway
Frank Cooper AO
Simon Cowen
David Craig
John Craven
Ewen Crouch AM
Diana D’Ambra
Eric d’Indy
Gerard Dalbosco
Mark Daniel
Maree Davidson AM
Patricia Davison
Ken Dean
Roger Dench
Jennifer Douglas
Judith Downes
Vicki Doyle
Jayne Dullard
Erica Edmands
Graham Elliot
Dr Erica Smyth AC
Greg Evans
Ted Evans
Jim Eve
Joanne Farrell
Anthony Fasso
Christine Feldmanis
Stephen Feneley
Jane Fenton AM
Karen Fifer
Joan Fitzpatrick
Anne Flanagan
Martin Foley
Mark Ford
Nancy Fox
Tony Frencham
Andrew Friars
Andrea Galgoczi-Kratochvil
Jann Gardner
Jann Gardner
Glenn Garnaut
Glenn Garnaut
Nicholas Gaynor
Michael Georgeff
Michael Gill
Anne Giugni
John Gleeson
Saskia Goedhart
Debra Goldfinch
Dennis Goldner AM
Jack Goodacre
Beth Gordon
Matt Graham
Julie Green
Rosemary Grieve
Scott Grimley
Alison de Groot
Amitabh Das Gupta
Dr Vanessa Guthrie AO
Daniel Gutstein
Tim Hammon
Victoria Harper
Susan Harry
Leigh Harry
Leisa Hart
Jane Harvey
Margaret Haseltine
David Hayward
Michaela Healey
Sean Henaghan
Dr Michael HenryAM
Victoria Hickey
Paul Hill
Carrie Hillyard
Kathy Hirschfeld AM
Peter Hodgett
Evelyn Horton
Graham Hubbard
Trevor Hunt
Angela Hutson
Tony Hyams AM
Michael Ihlein
Launa Inman
Gael Jennings
Lynne Jensen
Paul Jensen
Greg Johnson
Brad Jordon
Colin Jorgensen
Rebecca Kardos
Pandora Kay
Craig Keary
Jane Keating
Peter Kell
Michael Kennedy
Joanne Kirker
Daniel Kleijn
Marius Kloppers
Maha Krishnapillai
Mark Laidlaw
Peter Lamell
David Larocca
Hugo Leschen
Matthew Lickwar
Stuart Lloyd-Hurwitz
Deanna Lomas
Anne Loveridge
Kirsty Macmillan
Heith Mackay-Cruise
Silvio Marinelli
Dav Mather
Arturo Mauleon
Dawn McAleenan
Phillipa McCaffery
Louise McCann
Alison McClelland AM
Marie McDonald
Ian McGill
Rebecca McGrath
Jane McKellar
Fiona McIntosh
Daniel Moorfield
Bruce Miller AO
Patricia Montague
Tass Mousaferiadis
Paul Mulraney CSC
Steven Munchenberg
Anthony Mutton
Anne Myers
Alistair Mytton
Lorraine Maxwell (Chiroiu)
Helen Nash
Jane Nash
Michael Neilson
Dr Robert Nethercote
Tony Noonan
Nicole O’Connor
Shane O’Hare
Rebekah O’Flaherty
Ashley Painter
Karen Penrose
Robin Penty
Sonia Petering
John Phillips
Tiziana Pittui
Tim Poole
John Poulson
Sanjay Prasad
Andrew Price
Geoff Price
Brian Purdy
Ingrid Puzey
Alison Quinn
Chris Raine
Ashley Reid
Greg Ridder
Geoff Roberts
Sue Robertson
Peter Rohan
Elana Rubin
Barry Sandison
Rachel Sansom
Bob Santamaria
Dr Nora Scheinkestel
Mette Schepers
Brian Scullin
Margie Seale
Samantha Shaw
Dr Ruth Shean AO
Catherine Sherrington
Rod Sherwin
Julie Simon
Mark Sinderberry
Jane W Smith AO
Erica Smyth AC
Marion Stanway
Debra Stirling
Debra Stirling
Karen Stoffels
Corene Strauss
Dr Natalia Streltsova
Matthew Stubbs
Jane Stuchberry
Meredith Sussex
Gregory Sutherland
Annette Swann
Paul Sweet
Giam Swiegers
Paul Takac
Lindsay Tanner
Gaelyn Taylor
David Thodey AO
Mark Thomann
Chris Thomas
David Timm
Janet Torney
Sally Treeby
Jonathan Tribe
Judith Troeth
Mark Valena
Karina Veal
Gary Veale
Shirley In’t Veld
Karen Vella
Mary Verschuer
Mario Villa
Jeremy Vincent
Trudy Vonhoff
Michael Wachtel
Craig Wallace
John Warburton
Anne Ward
Leanne Ward
Cynthia Watkins
Robyn Watts
Penny Webb
Alistair Webster
Michael Webster
Marion Webster OAM
Sue West
Mark White
Rosalie Wilkie
David Williamson
David Wills
Richard Wilson
Penny Winn
Sandie de Wolf AM
Nicholas Wormald
Lotty Wright
Russell Yardley
Heather Zampatti
Wayne Zekulich
Prof. Gianin Zogg
Specialist Mentors
Winsome Bernard
Cara Campbell
Amitabh Das Gupta
Stephen Feneley
Glenn Garnaut
Michael Georgeff
Susan Harry
Jac Phillips
Catherine Sherrington
Mentor Alumni
Patty Akopiantz
Rick Allert AO
Tzipi Avioz
Grant Bailey
Chris Barlow
Peter Bazzani
Chris Bell
Fiona Bennett
Michael Bisset
Barry Bloch
Duncan Boyle
Hon Steve Bracks AC
Anne Brennan
Mr Bruce Brook
Rob Brooks
Kerrie Burgess
Pamela Catty
Nicola Chanen
Leigh Clifford
Dame Diana Crossan
Ken Dean
Roger Dench
Ted Evans
Anthony Fasso
Anne Flanagan
Mark Ford
Jann Gardner
Glenn Garnaut
Saskia Goedhart
Jack Goodacre
Leigh Harry
Jane Harvey
Sean Henaghan
Victoria Hickey
Carrie Hillyard
Craig Keary
Michael Kennedy
Susan Macken
Jenny Macklin
Sandra McComb
Marie McDonald
Simon McKeon AO
Jennie McLaughlin
Peter McVean
Patricia Montague
Mark Mullington
Mick O’Brien
Wayne Osborn
Tony Osmond
Matthew Percival
Jane Perry
Alan Plumb
Tim Poole
Matthew Quinn
Paul Reid
Alastair Robertson
Tony Robinson
Brian Scullin
Margie Seale
Julie Simon
Erica Smyth AC
Debra Stirling
Giam Swiegers
Chris Thomas
David Timm
Michael Wachtel
Craig Wallace
Anne Ward
Leanne Ward
David Williamson
David Wills
Kilfinan Mentees & Mentee Alumni
Vicky Absalom-Hornby
Melissa Abu-Gazaleh
Katie Acheson
Sophie Ader
Ali Ahmed
Cate Akaveka
Kirsty Albion
Bryan Ambrosius
Penny Anderson
Susan Anderson
Nici Andronicus
Lise Angus
Bill Appleby
Sanchia Aranda
Paris Aristotle
Nassim Arrage
Nick Austin
Brendan Bailey
Anne-Marie Baker
Joe Ball
Rachel Ball
Wendy Barnert
Gordon Barratt
Shona Barrett
Alannah Batchelor
Sally Bate
Kylee Bates
Nicole Battle
Claire Bauska
Luke Bayley
Aaron Beach
Reachelle Beasley
Bron Belcher
Angela Bell
Sandra Bellekom
Tamryn Bennett
Jan Berriman
Cath Berryman
Patrizia Biase-Dyson
Jocelyn Bignold
Ben Bjarnesen
Zoe Black
Jade Blakkarly
Michelle Blanchard
Tracey Blythe
Heidi Boardman
Michelle Bonney
Felicity Bott
Nataly Bovopoulos
Judith Bowtell
Denise Boyd
Peter Boyd
Siobhan Boyle
Kevin Bracken
Lea-Anne Bradley
Lisa Brennan
Pip Brennan
Deborah Briggs
Kim Brooklyn
Siobhan Brophy
Kelly Bruce
Cameron Bruhn
Judy Buchan
Elisa Buggy
Lynette Buoy
Mandy Burns
Max Burt
Kathleen Burton
David Butler
Martin Butson
Lisa Button
Ornella Byak
Lisa Byrne
Lisa Cahill
Kate Cahill
Michael Campbell
Miranda Campbell
Michelle Carlyle
Dan Cass
Sue Cattermole
Vicki Cavalieros
Anthony Cavanagh
Eddie Chapman
Ojisi Charlie
Annabelle Chauncy
Shannon Cheal
Kate Cherry
Anthony Chesler
Deborah Childs
Rachel Choy
Peta Christensen
Chris Christoforou
Simon Clarke
Karina Clarke
Genevieve Clay-Smith
Dale Cleaver
Steve Clifford
Taimi Clinch
Sandra Clubb
Louise Clunies-Ross
Jill Coates
Suzanne Colbert
Sarah Cole
Jess Colgan
Kara Collins
Ilsa Colson
Kerry Comerford
Vicki Condon
Johanna Cook
Tracey Corbin-Matchett
Lizzie Corke
Tanya Corrie
Margaret Corrigan
Janet Cousens
Stephanie Cousins
Alison Covington
Rebecca Cowan
Anna Crabb
Kent Crawford
Bianca Crocker
Regina Cruickshank
Caroline Cuckson
Alana Culverhouse
Natasha Curry
Jo Curtin
Emma Cutting
Pheba Daniel
Ian Darbyshire
Jodie Darge
Alicia Darvall
Adam Davids
Jenny Davidson
Lucy Davidson
Sarah Davies
Andrew Davies
Lisa Davies
Annie Davis
Aaron Davis
Matt Davis
Mike Davis
Annabel Davis
Garry Davison
Janine Dayman
Thea Deakin-Greenwood
Ruth Dearnley
Kirsty Degabriele
Lisa Dempster
Rosie Dennis
Jetha Devapura
Sam Dharmapala
Christina DiPierdomenico
Lin Hatfield Dodds
Amanda Donohoe
Kartna Doolan
Rhyll Dorrington
Gina Dougall
Maggie Dowling
Georgina Downer
Louise Doyle
Jo Doyle
Anna Draffin
Heath Ducker
Sean Duffy
Caitlin Dullard
Anne Duncan
Kate Dundas
Rob Dunn
Brett Dunstone
Stefan Duvenhage
Angela Van Dyke
Melanie Eagle
Paul Edginton
Bronwen Edwards
Stephen Edwards
Laura Egan
Jamal Elsheikh
Belinda Elworthy
Stephanie Exton
Lisa Ezekiel
Claudia Fatone
Penny Fegan
Sandy Fernee
Melissa Fitzgerald
Jodie Fleming
David Forbes
Aaron Ford
Sarah Fordham
Louise Forster
Anne Frankenberg
Bernard Galbally
Patrick Garcia
Brooke Giacomin
Tenille Gilbert
Chris Giles
Tracy Gillard
Mark Glasson
Erika Gleeson
Natalie Glenton
Andrea Goddard
Mitzi Goldman
Belinda Goldman
Mark Goodie
Julie Gorman
Billy Gorter
Nat Grant
Linda Griffiths
Lisa Grinham
Maxine Gross
Gautam Gupta
Alice Hall
Carolyn Hamer-Smith
Dominique Hansen
Lydia Harb
Sarah Hardy
Catherine Haridy
Georgie Harman
Russell Harrison
Mary Harrod
Mark Harwood
Lynne Haultain
Alex Haynes
Sarah Jane Haywood
Richard Heath
Adam Hegedus
Thenu Herath
Adam Hewber
Jane Hill
Raewyn Hill
Peter Hill-Jones
Sally Hines
Jan Hirst
Georgia Hocking
Danielle Hodgson
Libby Hodgson
Catherine Holliday
Elouise Holmes
Haleh Homaei
Matt Hooey
Suzanne Hopman
Nyasha Hove
Zyl Hovenga-Wauchope
Nicky Howe
Andrew Hudson
Jennifer Hunt
Jane Hunt
Amanda Hunt
Christine Hunter
John Hutcheson
Justine Hyde
Sarah Ireland
Dianne Jackson
Sandra Jacobs
Em James
Agata Jarbin
Emma Jarvis
Joanne Jessop
Kumar Jha
Kylie Johanson
Christopher John
Moira Junge
Jason Juretic
Rick Kane
Monica Kane
Jess Karlsson
Sue Karzis
Kieren Kearney
Catherine Keenan
Alison Kelly
Jo Kelly
Susan Kelly
Thomas King
Sacha King
Andrew Knight
Scott Ko
Natasha Kocks
Cynthia Kralik
Willem (Liam) Krige
Anne Kruger
Susan Kukucka
Leanne Kyle
Narelle Laing
Thea Lange
Jeanette Large
Alopi Latukefu
Melinda Lawley
Patrick Lawrence
Nick Lawson
Lesley Leece
Susanne Legena
Nicky Leitch
Daniel Lennon
Eve Lester
Stephen Lewin
Zac Lewis
Katie Liew
Vanessa Lister
Matt Little
Chris Lombardo
Kerri Long
Rebecca Lubilanji
Estelle Lucas
Donna Luckman
Lachlan MacDowall
Rebecca MacFarling
Nick MacHale
Casey Macpherson
Samantha MacRae
Shelagh Magadza
Nick Maisey
David Manne
Joanna Mansfield
Trish Manten
Maya Marcus
Paulleen Markwort
Michi Marosszeky
Sam Marshall
Liz Martin
Naomi Martin
Rosales Guadalupe Martinez
Jane Marx
Lani Masuku
Rochelle Matacz
Carin McCashin
Tiffany McComsey
Rebecca McDonald
Julie McDonald
Fiona McDonald
Ursula McGeown
Jamie McGleave
Sharon McGowan
Caitlin McGrath
Candice McGregor
Fiona McIntosh
Lyndsey McKee
Nicki McKenzie
Victoria McKenzie-McHarg
Chelsea McKinney
Cait McMahon
David McNamara
Peter McNamara
Stephanie Kirkman Meikle
Katherine Melhopt
Sam Mellett
Marion Meloni
Fiona Menzies
Luciano Mesiti
Susannah Miall
Wendy Middleton
Sally Miles
Tony Mohr
Natalie Molino
Elaine Montegriffo
Lisa Moore
Geraldine Moran
Rebecca Morecroft
Jasmine Moseley
Megan Motto
Larissa Muir
Barbara Mullen
Clare Mullen
Jacqui Mumford
Tim Munro
Michelle Murphy
Liza Nadoiski
Armine Nalbandian
Lakshmi Narayanan
Pamela Nathan
Tish Naughton
Sarah Neal
Suzanne Neate
Tamara Newlands
Olivia Nguy
Sheila Nguyen
Malinda Nixon
Lisa O’Meara
Angela O’Toole
Nicole O’Brien
Jessica Olivieri
Kelda Oppermann
Don Palmer
Graham Panther
Rachael Parker
Angie Paskevicius
Kristen Paterson
Kiki Paul
Kerstin Paulsen
Samantha Payne
Leanne Pearman
David Pearson
Kerryn Pell
Gill Perkins
Dave Petty
Elise Phillips
Melinda Phillips
Brent Phillips
Joel Pilgrim
Giselle Pinto
Lesley Podesta
Kirsty Porter
Richard Potok
Melodie Potts-Rosevear
Sarah Powell
Eleanor Pratt
Jo Pride
Jeanette Pritchard
Eva Rabanal
Katherine Raskob
Caroline Reed
Sam Refshauge
Caitlin Reiger
Rachel Reilly
Julie Reilly
Donna Rendell
Jacinda Richards
Mandy Richards
Sarah Riches
Kirsten Ritchie
Pat Rix
Glyn Roberts
Merinda Robertson
Jacque Robinson
Elizabeth Robinson
Amy Robinson
Joanne Rockwell
Ben Rodgers
Annemarie Rolls
Alexandra Ross
Jessica Roth
Mat Rowell
Amber Rules
Tim Ryan
Pat Ryan
Luke Rycken
Victoria Ryle
Simon von Saldern
Jodi Salmond
Gary Samowitz
Charlotte Sangster
Ed Santow
Robyn Saunders
Sam Sayers
Gian Sberna
Aaron Schultz
Esther Schwald
Carley Scott
Bec Scott
Elissa Scott
Rebecca Scott
Antonella Segre
Nic Seton
Bernie Shakeshaft
Lara Shur
Tiarne Shutt
Maree Sidey
Ashley de Silva
Laura Simmons
Ainsley Simpson
Amar Singh
Lisa Skaife
Holley Skene
Justin O’Meara Smith
Clea Smith
Lyndi Smith
Penny Smith
Graeme Smith
Terri Smith
Dylan Smith
Rebecca Smith
Ruby Smith
Kath Snell
Danielle Snelling
Jane Spence
Claire Spencer
John Spierings
Mikaela Stafrace
Bridget Staude
Sue Stepatschuk
Bianca Stern
Toni Stevens
Ben Stockwin
Lynda Stoner
Karen Strange
Corene Strauss
Dan Stubbs
Clare Sullivan
Hilary Sumpter
Sally Sweeney
Fiona Sweet
Jane Sydenham-Clarke
Hannah Tait
Saidee Talty
Xuyen Tang
Lilian Tann
Devon Taylor
Louise Tegart
Jamie Terzi
Paula Theocharides
Jane Thomas
Lucy Thomas
Rosie Thomas OAM
Linda Thompson
Brett Thompson
Mark Thomson
Amy Timoshanko
Nick Titov
Johanna Tomlinson
Stuart Tomlinson
David Tonge
Cindy Torrens
Stacey Touma
Norma Tracey
Thu-Trang Tran
Sophie Travers
Cassandra Treadwell
Chrissie Trousselot
Jason TuazonMcCheyne
Joe Tucci
Heidi Tucker
Edward Tudor
Katherine Tuft
Andrew Turvey
Kate Umbers
Phil Usher
Ariel Valent
Peter Valpiani
Angela Van Dyke
Claire Vissenga
Simon von Saldern
Bernadene Voss
Mark Wakeham
Cam Walker
Dana Wallace-Campbell
Margo Ward
Emma Watts
Alyssa Weirman
Janelle Weissman
Paula Westhead
Daniel Whykes
Anne Wicking
Anne Wiggins
Monique Williamson
Rosemary Willink
Sabina Wills
Belinda Wilson
Melanie Withnall
Michael Woodhouse
Addie Wootten
Peta Wootton
Barbara Wueringer
Nicola Wright
Sarah Yeates
Susan Yengi
Liz Yeo
Mark Yeowell
Amanda Young
Saffron Zomer
Kilfinan Mentee Organisations
Alice Springs Youth Accommodation and Support Services
Association for Children with a Disability
Australia-Korea Business Council
Australian Alliance to End Homelessness
Australian and New Zealand Intensive Care Society
Australian Art Orchestra (AAO)
Australian Associated Press (AAP)
Australian Childhood Foundation
Australian Chinese Community Association
Australian Communities Foundation
Australian Contemporary Opera Co
Australian Himalayan Foundation
Australian Institute of Landscape Architects
Australian Kookaburra Kids Foundation
Australian Network on Disability
Australian Publishers Association (APA)
Australian Research Alliance for Children & Youth
Australian Science Innovations
Australian Youth Affairs Coalition
Australian Youth Climate Coalition
Ballarat & Grampians Community Legal Service
Banksia Gardens Community Services
Centre for Community Driven Research
Centre for Women’s Safety and Wellbeing
Cerebral Palsy Support Network
Co3 The Contemporary Dance Company of WA Ltd
Community Broadcasting Foundation
Community Legal Centres Australia
Community Refugee Sponsorship Australia
ConnectGroups Support Group Association WA Inc.
Conservation Ecology Centre (and Wildlife Wonders)
Deception Bay Neighbourhood Centre
Disability Employment Australia
DIVRS: Darebin Information Volunteer and Resource Service
Ear Science Institute Australia Inc.
Early Childhood Intervention Australia Victoria/Tasmania
Edmund Rice Centre for Justice and Community Education
Environmental Justice Australia
Ethnic Communities Council of Victoria
Expression Australia (Aust Deaf Society)
Financial Counselling Victoria
Foundation for National Parks and Wildlife
Foundation House – Victorian Foundation for Survivors of Torture
General Sir John Monash Foundation
Get Started Disability Support Australia
Governance Institute of Australia
Greater Shepparton Lighthouse Project Ltd
Health Consumers’ Council (WA)
Holyoake Drug and Alcohol Service
Hume Whittlesea Local Learning & Employment Network (HWLLEN)
Infrastructure Sustainability Council
Inner Melbourne Community Legal
Mannkal Economic Education Foundation
McAuley Community Services for Women
McClelland Sculpture Park+Gallery
Melbourne Indigenous Transition School
Mental Illness Fellowship of WA (MIFWA)
Merri Outreach Support Service
Mornington Peninsula Foundation
Motherless Daughters Australia
Mountain District Radio Inc 3MDR
National Asthma Council Australia
National Council of Jewish Women
Nature Conservation Council NSW
Neighbourhood Centres Queensland
Nillumbik Community Health Service
North Australian Aboriginal Family Legal Service (NAAFLS)
NSW Users and AIDS Association (NUAA)
Parkerville Children and Youth Care
PBS 106.7FM – Progressive Broadcasting Service Coop Ltd
Pregnancy to Parenthood Clinic
Primary Industries Education Foundation Australia
Public Fundraising Regulatory Association
Public Interest Advocacy Centre
Public Interest Journalism Initiative
Queensland Homicide Victims Support Group (QHVSG)
Redlands Centre for Women (RCW)
Responsible Investment Association of Australasia
Rough Patch Affordable Counselling and Mental Health Supports
The Australian Democracy Network
The Castlemaine State Festival
The Centre: Connecting Community in North & West Melbourne
The Compassionate Friends Victoria
The First Step Program Limited
The Garnett Passe and Rodney Williams Memorial Foundation
The Pink Elephants Support Network
Tradeswomen Australia Foundation
Transforming Justice Australia
Two Two One Mental Health Charity
UN Global Compact Network Australia
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
WA Police & Community Youth Centres
Western Australia’s Individualised Services (WAiS)
Wheatbelt & Beyond Youth Mentoring
Whittlesea Community Connections
Womens Environmental Leadership Australia
Yarran Early Intervention Services
Yiliyapinya Indigenous Corporation